Carefree Property Management…
I always wanted to invest in real estate, but it never seemed to be the right time. Finally, the timing was right. In October, 2008, I purchased my first two properties in Nova Scotia. I moved to Ontario in 2010 and have been managing the properties remotely since. I found a joint venture partner in 2013 and we have purchased 7 properties together. I have 10 properties total now, with most in the Niagara area. Real estate investing has been a hobby of mine for over 11 years. I love putting a deal together but the most gratifying part is managing the properties. l enjoy the challenge of taking an investment and transforming it over time to have a higher property value and increased monthly cash flow. Providing good quality homes and building caring and trusting relationships with our tenants is very fulfilling work. I realize managing tenants and properties is not for everyone. My goal is to take the worry out of it for real estate investors who wish to spend their time on the things that really matter! Debi Conrad |
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